In this part we consider a MT prepared by the HPUS which uses
the dry (anhydrous) plant as UDS, and we compare it with one
prepared by WSP with the juice as UDS.
When we desiccate a plant, all the water (moisture) evaporates
and only the substances insoluble in water
and the ones soluble
in water
remain, so de UDS is
When we prepare a MT by method C of the HPUS we obtain 10 parts
of MT for each part of dry plant:
which gives us a DS of 1/x' or 1/10.
From the point of view of WSP, this MT will have a different DS,
depending on the juice of the plant, which is composed by H + DR.
with a DS = 1/x
This means that if the moisture of the plant (H) is
higher than the amount of fibers
, which is generally the case, the relation of
will be smaller than 1 and x will be smaller than 10. This
means that we should use less of the MT prepared by the HPUS to
obtain a first potency of the same concentration, or in other
words that the MT by HPUS is more concentrated from the point
of view of the WSP.
If we now replace those values in our formula
we obtain
To give you an idea of the difference lets apply the formula to
a plant with 30% of fibers (F), 10% of dry residue (DR) and
60% of moisture (H):
This general formula, which compares two MT made with different
UDS (one with the dry plant, and the other with the juice )
allows us to calculate the amount of MT we should use to obtain
the same concentration in our first potencies. The formula is
also independent of the final volume of MT, since she is the
same for method D of the HPUS (DS = 1/20)
We should exclude the French and Brazilian Pharmacopoeias from
this comparison of juice versus dry plant because, although they
realize their MT using the dry plant as UDS (as does the HPUS),
they then consider the DS to be 1/1. In those cases, the
difference grows as the final volume of our MT gets higher. In
extreme cases in which the proportion of the dry drug in the MT
is 1/100 (Method 3 of the Farmacopea Homeopatica Brasileira),
and taking a DS of 1/1, the difference in respect to one
prepared by the WSP would be so great that a first potency
prepared by the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia would almost be equal (in
concentration) to a third potency prepared by WSP.